Rabu, 04 Oktober 2023

Little Head Riding Hood

 In a forest, there lived a girl wearing a red riding hood who lived with her mother. He is enthusiastic, cheerful and smiling. One day, when the girl's grandmother felt unwell, the girl was asked by her mother to visit her grandmother's house and bring fruit to keep her grandmother happy. With a happy heart, the girl went to her grandmother's house which was far from her small house. On the road, the girl in the red riding hood was very interested in a hunter in the forest. He approached him and said "hey uncle, what are you doing?" asked the little girl. Then the hunter looked at the girl in the red riding hood and answered "Oh sweet little child, why are you in a place like this? Isn't this place dangerous for you alone?" Then the little girl answered, "I just want to go to my grandma's house, uncle, because my grandma is not feeling well, so I want to visit her." Then the uncle answered "be careful, there are lots of wolves roaming around here" then the little girl nodded and walked back to her grandmother's house. Without realizing it, a wolf found out about the conversation, so he rushed to his grandmother's house and locked the red hooded girl's grandmother in the cupboard so she wouldn't be found out. After that, the wolf wore grandmother's clothes and immediately pretended to sleep on grandmother's bed. A few moments later, the girl with the red hood entered her grandmother's house and greeted her "grandma, I'm here." Said the girl with the red hood without knowing that what she saw was not her grandmother but a wolf in disguise. Then the wolf smiled and laughed "come here my child". The wolf said while patting the chair next to the bed. The girl approached the wolf and sat next to him. "Thank you for visiting grandma, but grandma is very hungry now." Said the wolf while making a voice like a grandmother. "I brought fruit for grandma," said the girl as she put the fruit she brought on the table. But the wolf shook his head "Grandma doesn't want that, but grandma wants to eat you," said the wolf while taking off the clothes he used to disguise himself as her grandmother. The girl with the red hood was shocked, then she screamed for help. The scream reached the hunter, then the hunter ran and went to the red hooded girl's grandmother's house. When he arrived, the hunter readied his rifle and immediately aimed it at the wolf who was strangling the girl in the red riding hood. Then, he shot at the wolf and the wolf fainted. Then, the girl with the red hood heard a sound in the cupboard, and without her knowledge, she asked the hunter for help to open it. The hunter broke in here and saw the little girl's grandmother in fear. But when she saw her little girl, the grandmother of the girl in the red riding hood was happy and hugged her granddaughter. The hunter who saw this just smiled and left, carrying the wolf. the little girl saw the hunter left, and with smiling, she said "thank you."

The End.

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